Well done!
pat yourself on the back! EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T GET ALL OF THE ANSWERS, you got up, you got out, that makes you awesome!

So what's next? Hopefully you've written some notes about what you saw or you've remembered a few bits and bobs in your giant brain! Excellent work. Now all you have to do is send your hard work to your teacher on class dojo. Send your teacher all of the selfie photos you took of you in the different places, if you were asked to answer questions or write something down, send that to your teacher too on dojo. You can do this by taking a screen shot of your writing and sending your teacher the photos.
Finally, have yourself a nice cup of tea, (with dunking biscuit obviously) you earned it! Don't forget to say thanks to your awesome adult for coming with you! Then cross your fingers and hope that you will be crowned THE GREAT HISTORY HUNT WINNERS OF 2021!!!!